Mentors Care at Ferris High School

From the mentors:

"I like to give back to the community. As you see these kids grow and graduate and become productive members of society, it is nice to know that you were their to lend a hand and help them during some of the hardest years in your life, your teen years."

- Jason

“Being a mentor at Ferris HS is like being a part of a family. We all have one goal, and that is to pour into these kids. I love watching them reach their goals and be celebrated by a community of peers and other mentors who understand that all victories, big and small, are to be acknowledged and celebrated!”


“I love helping, encouraging and motivating people.”


“I love helping, encouraging and motivating people.”


“Ferris is the school that both my husband and I graduated from it feels good To be able to give back to a community that has been so good to us and watching the children go into the classroom with Mrs. Byars knowing that there is a place of refuge from the darkness that seems to cloud the hallways.”


“I love being a mentor in Ferris because it gives me the opportunity to encourage, empower, and advocate for students who might not have that on their team otherwise. Watching the students grow through their adversities brings me the biggest joy!”


“Being a mentor in Ferris has literally changed my life. Not just in the traditional way of being able to help someone else, but I have been helped in so many different ways. It has very much so changed the direction of my life for the better.”


From the staff:

Provides students with the guidance and support they need to succeed emotionally, personally, and academically.  It helps student navigate the challenges of adolescences and helps prepares them for the future.  It also creates a positive school environment for our students.”


“This program is a place for support to students that feel they have little to no support outside of school. Mentors Care allows our kids to speak to adults that care about their success and want to see them strive in life. Sometimes all we need is to know that someone loves us and cares about us to make us feel like our life has meaning. This is what Mentors Care does for our kids.”


“Mentors care accounts for the kids who don’t get the extra love that every kid requires! Every High School needs Mentors Care! Powerful.”


“Mentors Care has given kids a safe place to land. Encouragement and a listening ear are commonplace in this program at FHS. Caring adults who have a calling to inspire, teach and motivate make themselves available to young people who desperately need a voice of reason, accountability and stability in their life. We are thankful for the lives impacted by this program.”

-Coach Greek, Athletic Director

“Being a mentor in Ferris really solidifies the Ferris is Family motto; we look out for each other, we help each other through struggles, and we support and celebrate each other’s successes.”



Mentors Care in Red Oak


Wylie High School Student Success Story