Midlothian’s take on Mentors Care

From the desk of the coordinator; A student’s success story:

Mentoring is in full swing, and I have enjoyed getting to watch our returning students reunite with their mentors from the previous year. A mentor and I were talking last week and reflecting on how far her mentee has come in the last 3 years. The student came into Mentors Care when she was a freshman struggling with home life, grades, financial hardships, self-esteem, and a lot of mental health issues. As the student became more comfortable with the program and mentor, she began to realize that she wasn’t alone and didn’t feel as isolated. Goals were being set each school year to continuously work on her self-worth, consistency with school, engage in an extra-curricular, and passing all her classes. As the last few years have gone by, slowly her self-confidence started improving, she began putting effort in showing up to school, and began passing classes. This student is now a Senior, involved in Health Science, working a part time job, and making straight A’s! I am beyond proud of how far this young lady has come and can’t wait to see what her future holds after she graduates in May!

From the desk of the coordinator: Madison

Madison was referred to the program her freshman year (2020) because of her grades (failing all classes), lack of motivation, home life, bad friend group and she struggled with anxiety and depression.
She is a senior in the CNA program and her goal is to work in the medical field. 
This pathway has kept her motivated and made her want to be at school and do well in her classes.  Being in Mentors Care has given her someone to talk to and hold her accountable with her grades. 

A student’s take on Mentors Care:

"Grit! This is the word that has wrung in my head from the first day I met with my mentor 3 years ago. Our conversations of what I wanted to do after high school have always been around health care and how I have wanted to follow in my Mom's footsteps of a medical path and wanting to help others. Last year, the discussion with my mentor and Mrs. Peach about applying for the CNA Practicum program came into view and I submitted my application. I was nervous as there are only a selected amount of spots and was excited to share that I had been accepted into the program in May 2023. I started my practicum in September and have loved every minute of it from doing my rotations at Methodist Midlothian, nursing homes, and other medical facilities. " 

- High School Student

“It has set goals for me and has held me accountable for my grades. Mentors care has guided me through high school. “

-High School Student

From a mentor:

"She has come such a long way and I am beyond proud of her and all she has accomplished. She is going to be such a blessing to the medical profession and the patients she serves".

- Jessica Ward


Mentors Care at JJAEP


Mentors Care in Red Oak